Saturday, I went to the ScruzGeneralFest at the Seabright Brewery, withGeoff, Julian, and Vinnie. (Ms. Hatch was busy getting trashed elsewhere.)After the party, we made a tour of that city's drinking establishments.
Julian trying to pick up some leopard-skinned UCSC professor of rocketscience lurking in another part of the bar. Looked like he was succeedinguntil her husband showed up, grabbed her by the ear, and pulled her away.
Mel Premo, who all the guys are in love with, disappointing everyoneby showing up with husband and baby.
The Chinese Restaurant (sake), and the First Bar (somethinglike a boozeice cream soda).
The Fake Mexican Bar, where we found Larry Colen and friend.
The Somewhat Gay Bar, where we staggered over with those two. A spacioustropical hideaway with a big "Celebrate Diversity" banner, and a fish tankwith purple fish. (Guess the lavender is for faggots and the fish is forlesbians. Dunno.)
By that time, uhm, walking was not one of my strong points. I thinkI surprised Larry by asking him for his recipies for Christian babies.
The Biker Bar, with a friendly barmaid who liked Julian's disgustingjokes.
The Ride Home. On the way out of the Biker Bar, Vinnie suddenly zonedout. He was supposed to give us directions to his home. He kept leadingus around, speaking authoritatively, but basically choosing the path atrandom. Soon, we were lost. We found our way back to the Biker Bar, thentook the freeway to Vinnie's exit.
As we were driving, Julian attempted to get Vinnie's address.
Vinnie didn't remember it. Julian then asked him for his ID. Mr. Jordanreplied, "You fascist!"
We kept driving, until we were in Vinnie's neighborhood. As we drove,Pigface asked Julian, "Are you mad at me or something?"
"Yes. Maybe you can figure out why."
We found a pay phone, and Vinnie's SO gave us directions back. Vinniekept trying to give us bad directions, till we got there, over his objections,and poured him into his driveway.
Coda. Monday, Vinnie called me up to ask me what he had done that night.Unfortunately, I couldn't tell him a pack of lies without giggling, soI was left with the truth.
Lenore Levine
"It's OK to have sex with your dog, but not be in touch with
your 'wolf spirit'." --